Πρόσφυγες και Μετανάστες
Εγκατάσταση και Διαβίωση, Κινήσεις
<p>Δικαίωση για θανάτους στη Μόρια. Αποζημίωση στις οικογένειες Σύρου και Αιγυπτίου που πέθαναν από αναθυμιάσεις τον Ιανουάριο του 2017 στον προσφυγικό καταυλισμό της Μόριας.</p>
<p>Despite the ongoing suspension of readmissions to Turkey, the Greek Ministry for Migration and Asylum and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published Joint Ministerial Decision Νο. 42799 on 7 June, which “designates” Turkey as a safe third country not only for Syrians, but also for Afghanis, Somalis, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.6 Aside from serious concerns regarding the legality of the designation of Turkey as a safe third country, the decision means that the fate of the Syrians refugees described above is now expected to affect approximately 70% of all asylum seekers in Greece.</p>
<p>Despite the ongoing suspension of readmissions to Turkey, the Greek Ministry for Migration and Asylum and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published Joint Ministerial Decision Νο. 42799 on 7 June, which “designates” Turkey as a safe third country not only for Syrians, but also for Afghanis, Somalis, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.6 Aside from serious concerns regarding the legality of the designation of Turkey as a safe third country, the decision means that the fate of the Syrians refugees described above is now expected to affect approximately 70% of all asylum seekers in Greece.</p>