Letter by Members of the European Parliament (MEP) to Commission, Greece, UNHCR & IOM for Police abuse in Moria


Letter by Members of the European Parliament (MEP) to Commission, Greece, UNHCR & IOM for Police abuse in Moria

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Dear High Representative, dear Commissioner, dear Ministers,

We learnt from the statement of the Human Rights Activist Nawal Soufi (European Citizenship Prize 2016) that at 6 in the morning of the 24th of July several police and military agents broke into Moria's hotspot on the Greek island of Lesbos, awakening migrants with violence and abuse.

«The police had a list of people to take. Dozens of migrants have been arrested, 90% of them are asylum seekers. Among them there are many Syrians and even Kurdish-Syrians. Some of them have only received the first rejection and are waiting for the decision on the appeal. One of the asylum seekers arrested is a young Kurdish-Syrian who has already suffered violence in Turkey».




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