The martyrdom of the drop for 2,000 refugees in Leros


The martyrdom of the drop for 2,000 refugees in Leros | 29 August 2024

Editor: Giorgos Pagoudis

The martyrdom of the drop for 2,000 refugees in Leros

The problem of water scarcity in the island's Closed Controlled Facility tends to develop into a "chronic disease" ● Just two hours a day can satisfy the basic needs of hygiene and cleanliness for the residents and the 300 employees of the facility.

The situation in the Closed Controlled Facility on Leros is deteriorating every day. Today, some 2 000 refugees trapped there will have only two hours of running water a day to meet their basic hygiene and cleaning needs. To these we must add some 300 workers in the structure, who in turn are also suffering, as the reduction in water supply, even in the toilets, affects them all.

"It is a situation that tends to be a chronic illness", say citizens in solidarity from Leros, who are trying to keep the issue high on the agenda of the island's daily life, in order to speed up the resolution procedures that have theoretically been initiated for a long time, but still - and despite the occasional promises - remain on paper. "Running water is available for just two hours in the morning, and the problem even extends to the bottled drinking water distributed by the authorities," they stress.

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