The Refugee Crisis as a Preparation Stage for Future Exclusion: The Effects of the Country of Origin Turmoil and Refugee Management on Work Orientations. By N. XYPOLYTAS


The Refugee Crisis as a Preparation Stage for Future Exclusion: The Effects of the Country of Origin Turmoil and Refugee Management on Work Orientations. By N. XYPOLYTAS

Cite as: Xypolytas N., 2018, "The refugee crisis as a preparation stage for future exclusion: The effects of the country of origin turmoil and refugee management on work orientations", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 38 (7-8): 637-650.

Using the holistic approach to migrant exclusion, the purpose of this paper is to examine the refugee crisis as a preparation stage for future exclusion in the host countries. In previous migration analyses, the preparation stage involved only the country of origin, where people were becoming acclimatized to casual and low-status work and an ethos of survival. In the refugee crisis, this important stage spans across three spaces: the country of origin, Turkey as an intermediate stage and the hotspots of Greece.

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