
2018 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Cultural Anthropology | Cosponsored by the Society for Visual Anthropology
Thursday, April 19–Saturday, April 21, 2018
A virtual conference
Tune in from wherever you are, or come together to invent and collaborate
The Lesbos Dialogues will be organized on the island of Lesbos by the University of Agder, Norway and the Municipality of Lesvos.
By organizing the event on Lesbos, the organizers aim at anchoring the relevant research and the dialogues on one of the main entrance points of refugees to Europe, giving at the same time the event the added value of the symbolic support of the academic and political Europe to the Greek islands and their citizens.

International Conference: Mytilene, Sep.28 - Oct.1, 2017
European member states are signatories to the Geneva Convention Related to the Status of Refugees | Human rights and dignity are respected in detention centres across Europe | An electrified fence was built to protect the nation-state from illegal intruders | Traffickers are responsible for deaths by drowning in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas | Deportations are voluntary returns | Turkey is a safe country | War is peace | Freedom is slavery | Ignorance is strength

On behalf of The Migration Conference Organizing Committee we cordially invite you to our 5th international conference of migration studies.