
Κέντρα και Δομές
Νοέμβριος 19, 2022
Πρόσφυγες και Μετανάστες
Αύγουστος 05, 2022
Refugees & Migrants
Μάιος 25, 2022
Since the start of the year, the Greek Government has further obstructed access to asylum for most migrants seeking protection in Greece, through the implementation of unfair policies and dysfunctional asylum procedures. In stark contrast to the opening of borders to Ukrainian nationals, evidence continues to emerge showing that Greek authorities systematically perpetrate violent and illegal pushbacks in the Aegean, with the complicity of EU institutions and agencies.
Ιδρύματα & Φορείς του Εξωτερικού
Φεβρουάριος 03, 2022
Κέντρα και Δομές
Φεβρουάριος 03, 2022

Moria was the largest refugee camp in Europe, located on the Greek border island of Lesvos. It occupied a central position in the global media and in popular and academic discussions on migration. The camp was completely destroyed by fire in September 2020. In this portfolio of short responses, we have gathered around the ashes of Moria to take stock of what we know and feel about the place in order to conjure up the thoughts and plan the writings to come.