Tilos: Touching rescue of a 50-day-old refugee baby - Drinking milk with seawater


Tilos: Touching rescue of a 50-day-old refugee baby - Drinking milk with seawater

News147.gr | 19 August 2024


Tilos: Touching rescue of a 50-day-old refugee baby - Drinking milk with seawater

The story of the shocking rescue of a 50-day-old migrant infant in Tilos was revealed in a post by the mayor of the island, Maria Kammas.

The refugee baby was trapped for three days on the mountain and his parents were making his milk with sea water.

The volunteers, the coastguards, the people of the municipality and the island's community joined forces and managed to save the infant, who was given the name "Jonas", likening him to the monk who washed up on Tilos and built the monastery of Agios Panteleimon.
The post of the mayor of Tilos

"TILLOS 17/8/2024
This is the "name" given to him by our friend Thanasis Tsitsas, likening him to the monk who washed up on Tilos and built the monastery of Agios Panteleimon...
A 50-day-old refugee boy who was stranded on the mountain for three days, his parents made his milk with water from the sea...
Once again the community of Tilos, stands up to the circumstances, putting "back" to the great pressure exerted by the refugee problem.
It has not lost any human life and is trying to cope and help in the best possible way the suffering, injured and battered people.
Yes, beaten, because the smugglers, in order to load them on the boats, beat them...
Pregnant women trapped in the mountains, babies and children thrown on steep cliffs of the island, women injured, men badly beaten by the Turkish traffickers, make up the scene of desperation that the society of my island has been experiencing in recent months... and external help; so little...
The few coastguards serving on the island have long since exceeded the limits of their endurance and yet they are not backing down, they will not accept the loss of any human life!
Two three policemen who have also thrown themselves into the " game" with time to catch people alive. The commander and the army are very much assisting day and night...
All together a fist!
Well done guys!
A big thank you to both our volunteers and the people of my municipality.
Spyros, Mimi, Niko, Maria, Maria, Vassilis, Michael, Merkouri and many more, who do not give up, who say no, no one will be lost on our island!
Blessed place with People and officials who refuse to lose their humanity.
This is how human societies should be and yet we are surprised when we come across such...because nowadays the obvious...are rare".

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