Tilos: an island of solidarity


Tilos: an island of solidarity

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Tilos and its 500 inhabitants welcome with open arms several families of Syrian refugees.

Τhe small island of Tilos, located only 18 kilometers from the Turkish coast in the Aegean Sea, has been a stop on the journey for hundreds of refugees and migrants in the past few years. Numerous people reached the island each week during the summer of 2015. At the time, the population participated in the rescue of drifting boats and offered hospitality to survivors in their homes or hotels.

Since then, as in all the Greek islands, the flow has diminished. But the attitude of the inhabitants of Tilos is the same: reception and solidarity. Many people are involved in the daily life of the forty refugees who live today on the island. Maria Kamma, the Mayor of Tilos, wishes to welcome even more.

Thanks to the NGO Solidarity Now and UNHCR, a shelter has been created, a structure you seldom see in the Greek islands. A warm and welcome place for Syrian families, who have been waiting for months …

Nathalie Georges, Eric Bergeron, Evangelia Ntziouni and Hélène Giummelly report for arte.tv. >> watch the video here: http://donors.unhcr.gr/relocation/en/2017/03/23/tilos-an-island-of-solidarity/



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