Gone is Syria, gone. By Jazra Khaleed


Gone is Syria, gone. By Jazra Khaleed

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One day Syria decides to leave. She gathers up her words and her personal affairs, her airspace and ground forces, she takes her geopolitical position, and she leaves.

Script & Direction: Jazra Khaleed
Voice: Eleni B
Photography: Sylvain L’Espérance
Editing: Yannis Karamitros
Sound Editing: Jason Bakey
Translation: Peter Constantine

International Film Festivals:
Experiments in Cinema (USA) | Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur (Switzerland) | L'Alternativa (Spain) | Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest (Germany) | Paris Festival for Different and Experimental Cinema (France) | Steirischer Herbst (Austria) | Rencontres du Cinéma Documentaire Bordeaux (France) | Zebra Poetry Film Festival (Germany) | Ó Bhéal Poetry Film Festival (Ireland)

Jazra Khaleed

Jazra Khaleed (b. 1979 in Grosny, Chechnya) is an Athens-based poet, translator and editor. His works are protests against the injustices in contemporary Greece, especially the growing xenophobia and racism. His poems have been widely translated for publications in Europe, the US, Australia and Japan. He is co-editor of the poetry magazine "Teflon", where he publishes his own translations and essays. The film rendition of his poem about the immigrant situation, “The Aegean or the Anus of Death”, won prizes at the Zebra Poetry Film Festival, the Paris Festival for Different and Experimental Cinema and the Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival. https://vimeo.com/jazra/about >>>


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