Critical Encounters: the "European refugee crisis", Introduction by C. VARVANTAKIS et al


Critical Encounters: the "European refugee crisis", Introduction by C. VARVANTAKIS et al

Cite as: Varvantakis, C., Rozakou, K., Anastasiadi, I., Karathanasis, P., & Aivaliotis, K., 2019. "Editorial.",Journal of Anthropological Films3(02), e2902.

Introduction: Working thematically and collaboratively in an anthropological film festival.

The Athens Ethnographic Film Festival-Ethnofest, a festival held annually each November over the last 10 years, is an attempt to present and explore the contemporary status of visual anthropology and relative fields within the framework of a public event. Visual anthropology is a constantly evolving field and the festival is essentially a platform for films to be screened and discussed as well as a meeting place for film-makers, scholars, researchers and students.

Wishing to initiate a dialogue on the value and relevance of visual anthropological perspectives on contemporary social life in different cultural contexts, the festival has introduced a special themed section of screenings relating to socio-cultural issues and (visual-) anthropological viewpoints on these issues. In the context of this initiative we decided to broaden the “traditional” selection process, usually undertaken by our programming team, and to invite guest curators/scholars of the social sciences, with whom the festival has the opportunity to present an ensemble of screenings and discussions.

During the past few years this section has included films, workshops and discussions on racial violence, aggressive expressions of nationalism and xenophobia, social exclusion, labour and precarity, the interrelation between desire and crisis, and the various forms of violence, poverty, displacement and dispossession in the context of shifting gendered, sexualised, racialised, ethnicised and classed dynamics.

Read the editorial on Journal of Anthropological Films>>>

Watch the films on the webpage of JAF >>>


Πρόσφυγες, Μετανάστες & Ανθρωπιστική Διακυβέρνηση
Πρόσφυγες και Μετανάστες
Refugees & Migrants