Changes ahead regarding cash assistance and accommodation for refugees in Greece


Changes ahead regarding cash assistance and accommodation for refugees in Greece

Author: Emma Wallis | | 22 March 2019

Around 200 refugees in Greece will have to move out of accommodation that was provided to them through an EU funded scheme. Their cash assistance will also be stopped. The caps are necessary to assist newly arrived vulnerable persons, the UNHCR says.Some 200 refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection in Greece have been told by the Ministry of Migration that they have to leave the camps and accommodation in which they are living and that the cash assistance on which they have relied will also be stopped by the end of June. Some worry that government provisions won't match what they have so far received from a European Commission funded scheme, sparking small-scale protests on the streets of Athens in recent weeks.The support scheme, ESTIA (European Emergency Support to Integration and Accommodation), is financed by the European Commission and is administered by the UNHCR in Greece. It has been funding vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees in the country since 2015. The program was originally just designed for relocation purposes in 2015 but was expanded the next year as more and more people arrived in Greece.



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