Refugees trapped on Leros: An exceptionally risky situation


Refugees trapped on Leros: An exceptionally risky situation

Author: | 13 November 2019

Hundreds of refugees currently live in structures outside Leros hotspot, in exceptionally risky conditions; they stay in tents by the sea, in makeshift shelters and in abandoned buildings of the former Psychiatric Hospital, without electricity, water and sanitary facilities. At the same time, medical assistance for those living inside the hotspot as well as those living outside, is nearly non-existent. Meanwhile due to the significant gaps in medical staff, vulnerability assessment procedures have been stalled and consequently the speed of transfers of refugees to the mainland. The critical situation was identified during a visit by a member of Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) between 20 and 24 October, also through the testimonies provided by refugees.



Refugees & Migrants
Humanitarian Governance