
Refugees & Migrants
Μάρτιος 26, 2018
Refugees & Migrants
Μάρτιος 23, 2018

This March two years have passed since the E.U.-Turkey Statement. A 'deal', which even if it lowered the numbers of the arrivals from Turkey to the Greek islands, it also created a problematic situation, both for the asylum seekers, who are trapped in the islands, and for the local communities, who are protesting. Below there are some news articles and some reports by international organizations on the situation.

Μάρτιος 13, 2018

UPDATE:  CHANGE OF LOCATION: The solidarity demonstration on Saturday 17 December will take place at SAPFOUS SQUARE, 12.00.


2 years after the EU-Turkey deal came into force, we invite you to join us for a demonstration outside Moria camp. On 17 March, people will come together all over the world to show solidarity with refugees and migrants who are imprisoned, who are mistreated and tortured, and who lost their lives as a result of EU’s dirty anti-migration deals. We will demonstrate outside Moria against the EU-Turkey deal, which has turned Lesvos into a prison island. The living conditions in Moria camp are inhumane and unacceptable. We demand to open the islands and to have adequate reception on the mainland for refugees, outside of detention facilities.

Κέντρα και Δομές
Μάρτιος 13, 2018
Κέντρα και Δομές
Μάρτιος 07, 2018
Μάρτιος 06, 2018

Η Κίνηση Πολιτών Συνύπαρξη και Επικοινωνία στο Αιγαίο σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση με θέμα "Η κατάσταση στην Αφρική σήμερα και οι αιτίες της μετανάστευσης"

        Θα μιλήσει ο δημοσιογράφος  Στρατής Αγγελής και θα ακουστούν ζωντανές μαρτυρίες Αφρικανών προσφύγων.

        Το Σάββατο 10 Μαρτίου 2018 ,στις 7.00 μ.μ. στο θεατράκι του ΦΟΜ.