Massive Migration and Elections: Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Greece. By C. VASILAKIS


Massive Migration and Elections: Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Greece. By C. VASILAKIS


Cite as: Vasilakis, C., 2018. "Massive migration and elections: Evidence from the refugee crisis in Greece". International Migration, 56(3): 28-43. 


This article explores whether the massive arrival of refugees at Greek islands has had an impact on natives’ voting behaviour. Our results show a positive and significant effect of refugees’ presence on votes for the Greek extreme‐right party Golden Dawn. More precisely, we find that a 1 per cent increase in the share of refugees is associated with an increase of 5 per cent in the share of votes for Golden Dawn. This outcome is robust under different estimation methodologies and placebo regressions.

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Ιδρύματα & Φορείς του Εξωτερικού
Ιδρύματα & Φορείς του Εξωτερικού
Ιδρύματα & Φορείς του Εξωτερικού
Ιδρύματα & Φορείς του Εξωτερικού