Why is Moria compared to a Nazi concentration camp?


Why is Moria compared to a Nazi concentration camp?

Author: Ali M Latifi | trtworld.com | 16 January 2019

Moria, Greece — For thousands of Afghan asylum seekers, life in Greece’s Moria refugee camp is a daily struggle against disorder, filth, overcrowding, inequity as well as endless waiting. 

Whether it be the papers allowing them to leave the island of Lesvos and head to Athens — where they will likely be transferred into another refugee camp — or news as to whether Greek authorities will actually close the camp, Afghans wait. And wait. 

The waiting is made worse by the conditions in the camp, which Greek officials have likened to a Nazi concentration camp, a stark contrast to the ‘reception and hospitality centre’, referred to in local media reports. 

The camp is currently home to nearly 5,000 refugees — mostly Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis — nearly twice as many people as the former military base was meant to house upon its 2015 opening.

The effects of overcrowding are felt in every aspect of daily life here. Read more>>


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