Humanitarian Governance

Humanitarian Governance
October 23, 2018

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, today published the results of an annual participatory assessment report on the concerns of asylum-seekers and refugees in Greece about their current situation and future prospects and risks and how to address them. The participatory assessment was concluded by holding separate discussions with women, girls, boys, and men, to gather information from their perspective on their daily lives, the protection risks they face and to hear their proposed solutions.

Humanitarian Governance
September 25, 2018
Humanitarian Governance
September 14, 2018
Humanitarian Governance
September 02, 2018

The Observatory of Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean presents a collection  of announcements and articles from the local, national and international press about the arrest of members of the Emergency Response Center International (ERCI) NGO in Lesvos on 28 August 2018

Humanitarian Governance
August 22, 2018