Far-right vigilantism at Europe’s borders: the Greek experience


Far-right vigilantism at Europe’s borders: the Greek experience

Author: Maik Fielitz | opendemocracy,net | 23 March 2020

The activities of vigilante groups should be contained before far-right groups add fuel to the fire.

A wave of violent activities has been unleashed on the Greek islands and the Greek-Turkish land border, with vigilantes targeting NGOs, journalists, and migrants. Who are these new vigilantes? How are they connected to far-right organizations?

The decision of Turkish president Erdogan to suspend the halt of migrants within Turkey’s borders has caused a renewed attempt of about 13.000 migrants and refugees to enter the European Union via Greece. The Greek state promptly reacted by suspending the registrations of applications for international protection for one month while many of the newly arrived migrants were tried and convicted for ‘illegal’ entry with up to 4 years imprisonment. Read more>>>


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