Support of Refugees and Migrants

August 21, 2017

One Happy Family and NATAN are happy to invite you to our conference Working Together Restoring Dignity on Friday August 25th at the One Happy Family Center.

August 02, 2017
A collection of texts presented at the Thessaloniki No Border Camp. Most of the texts were afterwards updated by their authors. The Thessaloniki No Border Organizing Assembly was dissolved in October 2016. Publishing the papers presented during the No Border Camp was one of the tasks of the Thessaloniki No Border Camp Press Team and this collection is its final activity.
July 26, 2017

We express our deepest concern in relation to the information, complaints and testimonies about violence and abuse by the Hellenic Police in the detention center in Moria, Lesvos. Visual material depicting scenes of violent, inhuman and degrading treatment towards refugees causes disgust, while information about arbitrary arrests is of great concern. In addition, the action of citizens who appear, in the same video, to be attacking and severely beating migrants and refugees, under the tolerance of police officers, raises many questions and requires instant investigation by the competent authorities.

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