Support of Refugees and Migrants

May 22, 2018

Stratis is a fisherman in Greece, who has personally helped rescue thousands of refugees. He says it all comes down to one simple fact: we’re all human.

By Amnesty International

May 20, 2018

H ομάδα της ΑΝΤΙΓΟΝΗΣ για την οργάνωση της #4ης συνάντησης του προγράμματος The Route of Solidarity στη Λέσβο με πολύ χαρά σας ​προσκαλεί στην Ανοιχτή Συνάντηση & Συζήτηση με θέματα τους προσφυγικούς δρόμους, τον ακτιβισμό, την ένταξη & 'τα κοινά'.

May 10, 2018

Tomorrow, 11 May 2018, the trial will be held for ten asylum seekers who have been charged with arson and other lesser crimes, related to riots that took place in Moria Camp on 10 July 2017 in Lesvos. Similar to the case of the Moria 35, we believe this prosecution is part of an ongoing policy to criminalize and silence those who question their hostile containment in Moria and on Lesvos island.

May 09, 2018

Μεγάλη αντιφασιστική κινητοποίηση πραγματοποιήθηκε την Τρίτη 8 Μαϊου στη Μυτιλήνη. Περίπου 1000 διαδηλωτές έδωσαν την απάντησή τους στις ακροδεξιές προκλήσεις των τελευταίων εβδομάδων

April 28, 2018

The case of the Moria 35 is about 35 Africans arrested by the Greek Authorities in July 2017 after clashes in Moria RIC. As the trial of the case is about to start on Friday 20 Apr. 2018 in Chios, a campaign has been launched by Greek and International collectivities and organizations for the support of the 35 migrants from Africa. On Saturday 14th of April a demonstration took place in Athens, and on Tuesday 17th of April, a demonstration took place in Mytilene. Also, a documentary on the case has been released recently.

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