'Please show the world what's going on in Moria. We are human beings'


'Please show the world what's going on in Moria. We are human beings'

Author: irishexaminer.com | 18 January 2019

“Now that I have told my story, I have one request: please help us. Show the world what's going on in Moria. We are human beings. We deserve to be treated that way.”

These are the words of Quentin (whose name has been changed to protect his identity), a 31-year-old man from the Ivory Coast who now lives in Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesvos, writes Oxfam chief executive Jim Clarken

Quentin is almost blind in his left eye and has serious problems with his kidney and knee. The doctor gave him a paper saying that the authorities must allow him to go to Athens for medical treatment – that was five months ago and Quentin is still waiting for his transfer to be arranged. Read more>>>



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