Humanitarian Governance

Humanitarian Governance
December 08, 2021

The undersigned non-governmental organisations were surprised to be informed that the Ministry of Migration and Asylum denied the registration of non-profit civil society organisation “Refugee Support Aegean” (RSA) on its NGO Registry, despite a positive opinion from competent services. We are particularly concerned by the substantive ground for such rejection, citing that the “development of activity” “in support of persons under deportation” is contrary to Greek legislation.

Humanitarian Governance
December 02, 2021

Thirty-six civil society organizations have sent a letter to Pope Francis regarding the refugee situation in view of his upcoming visit to Greece.

In a letter released at an online press conference on Thursday, December 2, the NGOs asked, among other things, to meet with the leader of the Roman Catholic Church and inform him about the living conditions of refugees in Greece, as well as the need to support refugees quest for access to asylum with a message of solidarity towards our persecuted fellow humans.

Humanitarian Governance
November 16, 2021

This report aims to highlight the importance of strengthening the multiple durable solutions available for unaccompanied children in Greece. These include family reunification for children with family elsewhere in Europe, relocation to other European countries, enhanced foster care support for younger children, and the provision of supported independent living (SIL) options for children over 16 years of age.

Humanitarian Governance
November 16, 2021