About Mohammed | by Aida


About Mohammed | by Aida

This video was realised through the filmmaking workshop of ECHO100plus at The Hub in Leros.

"From February to June 2017 The Hub has been running a filmmaking workshop teaching technical and creative skills from camera to scriptwriting. Our students have been writing, filming and directing their own ideas: short films, short documentaries, video art and music videos." || The Hub Film School >>>

For a list of the films created by The Hub Film School see on the ECHO100plus You Tube channel >>>


Πρόσφυγες, Μετανάστες & Ανθρωπιστική Διακυβέρνηση
Πρόσφυγες και Μετανάστες
Κοινωνία της Λέσβου