In the Wake of the Greek Spring and the Summer of Migration. By S. MEZZADRA


In the Wake of the Greek Spring and the Summer of Migration. By S. MEZZADRA


Cite as: Mezzadra, S., 2018, "In the Wake of the Greek Spring and the Summer of Migration". South Atlantic Quarterly 117 (4): 925–933. 


This essay sheds light on the background of the occupation of City Plaza Hotel by focusing initially on the “Greek spring,” that is, the history of struggles against austerity in Greece since the late 2000s and on the experience of the government led by Syriza in the first half of 2015. It then analyzes the development of the “long summer of migration” in 2015 and the ensuing shifts in the European border regime. The last part of the essay provides an analysis of current struggles of migration in Europe and maintains that City Plaza can be understood as a synthesis of those struggles within the Greek context.

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