
September 30, 2017

Living conditions in Moria camp have become unbearable over the past month as a dramatic increase in arrivals coincides with a deterioration in the weather and inadequate provision of food, shelter, healthcare and hygiene. Between the 1st and 26th of September 2017, 2,238 people risked their lives crossing the Mytilene Strait from Turkey to Lesvos, while during September 2016, 1068 people made this journey.

September 23, 2017

H αύξηση των αφίξεων προσφύγων και μεταναστών, που παρατηρείται από τα τέλη Αυγούστου και μετά, προκαλεί αντιδράσεις στις κοινωνίες της Λέσβου και της Σάμου. Παρακάτω παραθέτουμε κάποιες ενδεικτικές δημοσιεύσεις σε εφημερίδες και ηλεκτρονικά μέσα κατά την εβδομάδα 18-24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017.

September 01, 2017

International Conference: Mytilene, Sep.28 - Oct.1, 2017

European member states are signatories to the Geneva Convention Related to the Status of Refugees | Human rights and dignity are respected in detention centres across Europe | An electrified fence was built to protect the nation-state from illegal intruders | Traffickers are responsible for deaths by drowning in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas | Deportations are voluntary returns | Turkey is a safe country | War is peace | Freedom is slavery | Ignorance is strength

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