Decongestion of Greek Islands Continues as 700 Refugees and Migrants Move to Mainland


Decongestion of Greek Islands Continues as 700 Refugees and Migrants Move to Mainland

Author: | 8 October 2019

Another 700 vulnerable refugees and migrants were safely transported from the Greek islands to the mainland on Monday (07/10) morning as part of Greece’s ongoing effort to decongest the overcrowded North-Eastern Aegean islands.

The group arrived in Piraeus, the largest port in Greece, where the International Organization for Migration (IOM) then transported them to designated accommodation sites that have been set up on the Greek mainland. The majority were families with children from Afghanistan and came from the islands of Lesvos, Samos, Chios, Leros and Kos.

“I was in Moria [on Lesvos] for the last 10 months. The situation was very difficult there for me and my family. This is a new day for us and we can now see the future from a different scope,” said Zeina, a 24-year-old woman from Afghanistan.

